Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Occupation of Wall Street -- RISE UP, PEOPLE! says Michael Moore

Watch the videos on this site -- get fired up -- We, the people have had ENOUGH of the greedy bastards on Wall Street refusing to pay their fair share and taking jobs and money from the dying middle class!  We've had ENOUGH of the bought-and-paid-for so-called "representatives" (weasels) in Congress who only represent Wall Street and the corporations who buy their votes!  We've had ENOUGH of a mainstream media owned by the corporations who tell the in-name-only reporters what they can and cannot report (one story which is being ignored is these very Wall Street demonstrations by We, the People).

We, the People need to stand up in every state in this country, on the steps of every state capitol and every city hall and tell the greed-and-power lusting bastards:  ENOUGH!  We are taking the country back from you!  We're taking it back from you,  Bush Family and all your "elite" corporate buddies--from you, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld--from you, Larry Summers and Tim Geithner--from you, Rupert Murdoch and your damn FAUX News, from you, all you war-mongering, greed-driven bastards who keep profiting from the wars you create on the backs of the middle class and poor!  We're taking it back from your hired thugs in the police forces who attack innocent people trying to demonstrate for their rights in a democratic way!  We're taking it back from the "elite" who will not allow themselves to be held accountable and punished for the lies and tricks they have played on the public in order to line their own pockets over and over and over again!   Watch Michael Moore in his "Rise Up!" video appearance on Lawrence O'Donnell's show.  And get fired up!
 Write letters to the President, to Congress, to your newspapers -- telling them you are done--get the hell out of the halls of our government!  We the People have had ENOUGH!


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