Friday, September 09, 2011

A VERY interesting video for curious folks

I have met and talked with Bob Dean several times at UFO conferences where he has spoken.  He is extraordinarily humble, credible, and knowledgeable--absolutely the best speaker I have ever heard at these conferences.  He has aquaintanceship/friendship with many high government officials and top-ranking military (his own son is a commander in the Navy and Bob himself spent most of his life in the military, trusted with beyond-top-secret materials)--and has learned much from them in what he and they call their "Good Ol' Boys Club," in which they share with each other many top secret stories of UfOs/aliens (and way beyond info), which they know to be true from their own experience.  Whether or not you end up believing it, I'm sure you will find this video fascinating and intriguing!

Just another part of the grand drama we call "Life."

And here is another one:
