Friday, September 23, 2011

Opening New Doors: Faster than Light - Physicists' New Discovery

In accord with the upliftment of consciousness on our planet, new discoveries are being made more frequently these days, and this latest one is a mind-blower!  Those with curious minds might want to read about this fascinating discovery, which opens the door to time travel possibilities:

Although many upset scientists are exclaiming it can't be possible for anything to be faster than light, it appears that today's physicists are challenging that part of Einstein's theory of relativity--but not without a lot of squawking from those who hate to see change (we know who those people are, don't we?  The scientists who would rather hide new discoveries under the rug than change their opinions -- the kind of thinking best represented in our world by some right wing types).  In contrast, progressive thinking demands keeping an open mind--about Everything!  As we learn more, of course old and often cherished ideas will have to give way to the new.  That is what science is supposed to be all about, isn't it?  Although some reluctant scientists are protesting this discovery of faster-than-light sub-atomic neutrinos, I remember reading years ago that many in the scientific realm were already suspecting this was a possibility--perhaps even a probability.  In a book that I am presently reading, which was published in 1987, there are the following paragraphs that synchronize with this "new" discovery.  I don't think it is coincidental that I just happened to be reading about this in an old book and then, at the exact same time, also saw the online article about the new scientific discovery.  Synchronicity like this happens frequently in my life (and in the lives of everyone, if we take time to think about it--for instance, how often have you learned a new word and then began to see that word everywhere?):

From the book The After-Death Experience: The Physics of the Non-Physical by Ian Wilson:

Another factor of considerable potential relevance to the existence of 'minds' [on a cosmic level, 'One Mind'], and to the idea of these being able to communicate across space (and perhaps time), has been a problem arising out of Einstein's theory of relativity and Max Planck's quantum theory, the assertion that radiant energy is emitted in 'discrete atomic quantities', or quanta.  According to quantum theory there are certain conditions under which, in the case of two very distant subatomic particles, if the behavior of one is altered, the other can be expected to change instantaneously in exactly the same way, despite no apparent force or signal linking them.  It is as if each particle 'knows' what the other is doing.  Einstein always rejected this on the grounds that, since there could be no harmony without some signal passing between the two distant particles, a signal of this kind would have to travel faster than the speed of light, and his theory of relativity did not allow for this. 

For a long while the difficulty was one of finding any way of checking whether Einstein or quantum theory was correct.  Professor David Bohm of Birkbeck College, London, tried by measuring the polarization of twinned pairs of photons from a common light source.  He encouragingly found that, whenever the first of these was measured, the twin behaved as though it too had been disturbed.  But he could find no precise way of determining whether the process was genuinely instantaneous, and therefore faster than the speed of light.  A French team, headed by Alain Aspect of Paris's Institut d'Optique Theorique et Appliquee, has recently come on to the scene.  The French researchers have simply added to Bohm's experiment a switch to block any signal between the paired photons except one traveling faster than light, and have found this experiment to work.   Professor Bohm has commented, "All we can do is to look at several possible interpretations...It may means that everything in the universe is in a kind of total rapport, so that whatever happens is related to everything else.  Or it may mean that there is some kind of information that can travel faster than the speed of light. Or it may mean that our concepts of space and time have to be modified in some way that we don't now understand."

It's interesting to me to see that, as more scientific discoveries like this are being made, how they fall into perfect alignment with what ancient wisdom texts and sages have been saying throughout the centuries.  The teachings of the Buddha -- and the real teachings of Christ whose instructions as related in the Bible were often misunderstood in his time, and continue to be misunderstood by many in our time.  For correlative material with what the scientists are now discovering, anyone curious or interested can read
The Zen Teachings of Huang Po or I Am That or The Spiritual Discourses of Sri Atmananda or any of the contemporary books by John Wheeler, such as Awakening to the Natural State.


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