Friday, October 12, 2012

Saddest story ever

Bullied teen kills herself in British Columbia.

The video she made of herself is pathetically sad-- the boy and other kids who bullied her to death will have this on their karmic ledger, whether or not they feel any responsibility now for their terrible persecution of  Amanda.  When people have no empathy for others or conscience about their actions, they are sociopaths.  Psychologists tell us there are 4 sociopaths in every 100 people, guaranteeing that everyone will meet sociopaths in their everyday lives at one time or another. Conscienceless bullies are prolific in business and politics, in sports, in the military--and even in religions.  Amanda, at age 15, was unequipped to deal with them.  She didn't have the wisdom of experience that she could have gathered, had she been able to weather this storm.  The bullies were just too overpowering for this little girl. What a tragedy for her family.  My heart goes out to them.

Parenting is the hardest job in the world and, no matter how much they try, sometimes parents are just not able to give the necessary help and guidance to steer their child past huge bumps that come too soon in the young life.  The teen years are especially hard, and parents have to be continually vigilant -- and wise -- in order to guide their children.  That is a tall order and many parents are unable to deliver on it.  If only an instructions book could be issued with every child at birth! 

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