Saturday, October 06, 2012

Catholic Theologian: Unseat the Pope (if only this could happen!)

There is great unrest in the Catholic Church at the return to the Dark Ages under Pope Ratzinger, who has closed most of the doors and windows Pope John XXIII opened in the 60s with Vatican 2.  This religion appears to be dying a slow death as intelligent people who like to breathe freely desert it in droves.  I hope Hans Kung is successful in instigating within the church a big enough revolution to unseat Ratzinger, one of the evil men responsible for keeping a lid on the pedophilic activities of priests in his domain.  His concern for the children being sexually abused was non-existent.  I read recently that he has had the magnificent robes of one of the earlier popes (Pope Leo) made over to fit him -- and that he loves the wealth and pomp that now surrounds him.  While some still follow him faithfully/blindly, others with clearer vision might see him as a foolish man who has wasted his life and sold his soul for a mess of pottage.


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