Sunday, May 29, 2011

Polls show most Americans are not opposed to gay marriage

I think the rise in the poll numbers on this issue, since 1996, when just 27% of Americans approved of gay marriage, is due to education through TV shows, movies, documentaries, news and medical  reports, and online news. Most people have open minds and are willing to change their opinions once facts are made clear to them.  Facts are that homosexuality is not a choice -- sexual orientation is already determined at birth.  The medical field has come to understand this, and have put forth this information to the public in every way possible.  It's also helped that prominent/famous people have openly gay children (i.e., Dick Cheney, Dick Gephardt, Cher, etc.)

Of course, there will always be the fanatical haters who call themselves "Christians" but follow none of the teachings of Christ.  And there will always be ignorance among those who refuse to become educated to facts.  And once in a while, there will be a change of tune, if not of heart, when a rabid judge of others discovers his own child is gay -- oops. (i.e.,
conservative Illinois Republican Alan Keyes once described Mary Cheney as "a selfish hedonist" on a radio talk show.  Keyes no doubt regretted his words when, in running for a Senate seat in 2004, he found out he had a lesbian daughter situation of his own. The internet and even some traditional news outlets buzzed for days with the assertion that Keyes's 19-year-old daughter Maya is a lesbian, based on a blog she published for three years on the web detailing her relationship with another young woman. Neither Keyes nor his daughter refuted the reports.)  I like to think of this as God's own way of educating a particularly hard-headed Tea Party type. (~.~) By the way, Keyes did not win the Senate seat in that election--he was trounced by a guy named Barack Obama, who garnered 70% of the vote. Keyes, in his usual "Christian" way, turned his daughter out of her apartment in 2005, leaving her essentially homeless. She has since become an activist, and reportedly believes access to health care, education, housing, food and jobs should be considered human rights.  Alan Keyes quit the Republican Party in 2008 and joined the ultra-ultra-conservative Constitution Party (very similar to the Tea Party).



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