Saturday, May 28, 2011

Please Sign for Elizabeth Warren's appointment to go through!

Republicans want to weaken the Consumer Protection Bureau!!! Their corporate/Wall Street masters do not want Elizabeth Warren, a proven and outspoken champion of the people's right to be protected from cheats and fraud, to be appointed as head of that Bureau. Please click on the link below and sign the petition to President Obama supporting a recess appointment of Elizabeth Warren to the post.

Subject: Stand up for Elizabeth Warren.

Dear Friend,

Earlier this month, 44 Republican Senators pledged to filibuster the nomination of anyone to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau unless the agency itself is significantly weakened.

This threat makes it much more likely that President Obama will have to use his constitutional authority to make a recess appointment to fill the top slot at the agency.

A number of great progressive groups and leading academics have signed a letter to President Obama supporting a recess appointment. And now I've signed it too.

I hope you join me in co-signing the letter. You can read it and add your name to it at the link below.

BUT LOOK WHAT THE REPUBLICANS (Dirty Rotten Scoundrels!) ARE PLANNING  (How can anyone with a conscience or a brain still be a Republican these days?  They continually vote against their own interests!)

Republicans Block Elizabeth Warren Recess Appointment
Ian Millhiser, ThinkProgress
Excerpt: "Senate Republicans will prevent the Senate from recessing next week in order to halt President Obama's ability to make temporary recess appointments: ... including Elizabeth Warren, Obama's pick to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau."




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