Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Dispatches from the End of Empire -- a must-read!


Once again, the astute David Michael Green has hit the nail on the head.  This essay says it all.  It remains to be seen if the majority of American voters will turn to sanity (don't hold  your breath).  But, even if they do, where can a candidate be found who would truly represent their interests?  Certainly not anywhere in either of the major parties that are both ruled/owned by the oligarchic string-pullers.  Read this entire essay to hear unfiltered truth about what has happened in America -- and  how we have been brought to the sad state we are in today.  A wake up call is being heard by some, but most probably for the wrong reasons.


Well folks, there's good news, and there's bad news in America today.

The good news is that people seem to be waking up just a bit to what's being done to them.

The bad news is that it really is just a bit that they're waking up.

The good news is that the Republican Party is showing some serious signs of preparing for self-immolation.

The bad news is that that leaves us with Barack Obama and the other Republican Party as an 'alternative'.

Such is the state of America at the end of empire....

Even the magic of religion is not enough to turn lead into gold, try as one desperately might. If you insist on spending even more for 'defense' than we already do, and if you insist on cutting tax revenues even more than we already have, and if you agree that defaulting on the interest owed from previous borrowing would be a very bad idea, you then come up headlong against a very stiff and well constructed wall otherwise known as basic math. Even by slashing social spending mercilessly, you still cannot remotely balance the budget given the above sacred cow assumptions as your starting point. Indeed, since the Ryan plan calls for slashing taxes even more than they already have been these last thirty years, what Republicans never tell you is that - according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office analysis - it will actually produce the precise opposite effect to that which is being claimed in order to sell it. It will actually increase debt, not lower it. That's right. When all is said and done, and the smoke clears, seniors will be far sicker and far deader, in exchange for which the national debt will have only grown fatter. Such a deal.

But the thing for the GOP today is that they have become so rabid that they cannot divorce themselves from their own litmus tests and fairytales, and they are now eating themselves up from within, like the rapacious cancer they in fact truly are. What can you possibly say, this side of Lewis Carroll or Salvador Dali, about a party in which the likes of Newt Gingrich is drummed out for being insufficiently regressive, and just plain lacking in an adequate degree of meanness?


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