Saturday, May 21, 2011

How things REALLY work in the right wing: the Schwarzenegger story

Right wingers love to bash the "liberal" press -- and they won't believe their right wing heroes have feet of clay.  Even when the stories are proven to be true, they will live in denial, rather than believe them. They lash out at the reporters, and, like lemmings, the "true believers" follow the course dictated to them on FOX News.  In this case, it was to support Arnold the Beast for California's governor, in the face of 16 women who came out telling how he had groped/sexually assaulted them. His wife Maria, who married a well-known snake but did not expect to get bitten (foolish woman!) supported the Beast by lying for him. Now she has been bitten, Big Time.

I did not then and would not ever vote for Arnold Schwarzenegger, but the naive right wingers, with their heads in the sand, pushed the Grope-a-nator into the position of governor, which we all had to endure because of their stupidity/ignorance.  The same thing was true of Dubya Bush's supporters, who would rather believe lies concocted by the right wing machinery than delve into finding the truth themselves (i.e., pointing lying fingers at Kerry, a man who served honorably in military service, while trying to hide the proof about Bush's going AWOL from his military duty).  This kind of deception comes so easily to the GOP, they have become masters of it -- while their lemming followers hang on every lie, believing it to be the whole truth and nothing but the truth.  I mean, why investigate to see if it's true? If Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly say it, it MUST be true!  (Oh, Puhleeze! Give me a break!)


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Anonymous said...

This guy has always been a RINO (Republican in name only) and I never liked his way of governing CA right from the start. He will get what he deserves as a womanizer. His political career and maybe, his movie career, is ended.