Sunday, May 22, 2011

Want to know the real truth about the JFK Assassination? It's all on youtube!

Go into this site and then search other links offered:   There are many video links to follow, many of them short but full of information -- you will find truth about the assassinations of JFK and RFK, too.  The same CIA operatives were involved in both.  And we're not talking about theories -- no, these are cold hard facts revealed by the people involved and those around them at the time.  Want to know who ordered and planned the kills? Ever wondered why Jack Ruby killed Oswald? All answers can be found online.

Very revealing videos and audios of LBJ, E. Howard Hunt, LBJ's mistress, J Edgar Hoover and LBJ -- a photo of Bobby Kennedy hitting a post beside which LBJ is standing (Bobby looking enraged, saying, "Why did you have my brother killed?")  All evidence points to LBJ -- and the 80-minute interview with LBJ's mistress of more than 20 years is revelatory.  Also video interviews of Marina Oswald, June Oswald (Lee's daughter, as a beautiful adult woman), Rachel Oswald (Lee's youngest daughter), and an interview of E. Howard Hunt's son with George Noory -- A real boatload of fascinating videos, giving the true story of the "big event" (code name for the assassination, as revealed by E. Howard Hunt just before he died).  Hunt's full confession/report to his son is contained in the videos, and a full story was written about it in Rolling Stone in 2005 (when he revealed the info). You can read it at:

To read the complete story of WHY, you will definitely want to read the book JFK and the UNSPEAKABLE: Why He Died and Why It Matters.  Many questions can be cleared up by the interviews with those involved in the plot and with those innocent people who were caught up in the intrigue accidentally or purposefully -- and then had to be gotten rid of.  It's a tangled web of power lust, dastardly deceit, assassination, coverups, and chains of murders.  A deadly Shakespearean drama in our own time. 

Oh so MANY coverups! -- but you can't keep the truth hidden forever.  Same thing with our government many things are not being revealed to us, but eventually the truth will come out. 

I send this e-mail in hopes we all can become as informed as possible about what we are really dealing with in our country.  Rather than always swallowing what the authorities/officials tell us, it's imperative to question--and do research that can lead us to truth.  Statistics show that 80% of the American people don't believe Lee Harvey Oswald was a lone gunman in the JFK assassination.  They are right -- and the truth is now available, being told by those who were involved and want to get it off their chests before dying.  I believe it's better to know the truth, no matter how difficult it is to accept it, than to hide one's head in the sand.  The people deserve to know the truth about many historical events that we have been lied to about.  Let's start with at least knowing the truth about JFK -- and RFK -- and MLK and their murders by our own government.

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