Friday, April 06, 2012

Are electro-magnetic frequencies safe for our bodies?

TV Producer Bill Day does not think that the
microwave and radio frequencies being emitted by
our wireless devices have been adequately tested for
our safe use.

Are we so in love with the incredible convenience of
this technology that we will only discover that it isn't
worth the convenience when it is too late? 



Are We Electromagnetic Radiation Guinea Pigs?

I wonder about this for our kids and grandkids especially...
they are living in an entirely different kind of world than the
one we grew up in, bombarded everywhere they go by
electro-magnetic currents in wi-fi, constantly using their laptops and cell phones, etc.
Adding Smart Meters into that mix simply cannot be good for them and us.

Think about how we were told at one time that smoking was not harmful.
Think about how we were told that nuclear plants would be "perfectly safe."
Now doctors are sounding an alarm about the rising occurrence of brain tumors in kids all over the world.
(See Katie Couric interview today at: )
Mainstream news, of course, never gives the whole picture--they are ruled by the corporations, don't forget. But there are disturbing parts of
this interview that come through, even though the doctor is one of those "I don't believe they're dangerous" types--we saw them by the hundreds
in the days when ads proclaimed "more doctors smoke Camels than any other cigarette."  The AMA is the last to admit that anything that makes $$$
is dangerous to our health.  Think about it.

Many scientists and doctors are now cautioning about the use of cell phones next
to your head, which is why bluetooths are being more commonly seen.
But what can protect us from Smart Meters that are attached to all the
homes in our neighborhood?  If everyone were made aware of the
dangers of these things and would opt out from their use, that would
be one less daily zapping that we and our kids would be receiving.


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