Tuesday, May 14, 2013

R U Curious? Important articles from Vanity Fair, Washington Post, UK Guardian

For the curious minded among us who prefer truth to fiction:  There is a very interesting article in the May 10, 2013 Vanity Fair about Dr. John Mack, famed author and Harvard psychiatrist (see below).  It's good to see information like this in a mainstream publication--finally!  In my many years of attending UFO seminars, I learned a lot about Dr. Mack and his exploration into the UFO field, although I never met him personally. But, after reading his books, I came to admire and appreciate him--and was very sorry to hear of his sudden death.  I did meet and speak with Budd Hopkins and Dr. David Jacobs several times and was impressed by their honesty and open-minded earnestness in exploring the subject of UFOs and abductions--in the face of scathing criticism from the so-called "scientific" community.  I agree with Dr. Mack, in a quote from him that tells the real measure of this great man and true scientist: "I was raised in a tradition of inquiry. If you encounter something that doesn't fit your worldview, it's more intellectually honest to say, 'maybe there's something wrong with this worldview,' than to try to shoehorn your findings into an existing belief."

I highly recommend the Vanity Fair article to anyone willing to open their mind to new possibilities in the exploration of life and its many mysteries.  Also, you may want to view the documentary Touched ( click here.) featuring Dr. Mack and others who present mind-expanding information, so far being kept from the public by the government and the mainstream press.  As we know, anyone who attempts to tell the truth about their own UFO experience is usually ridiculed and/or ignored--even  when the speakers/experiencers are high-ranking military, govt. officials -- or astronauts like Edgar Mitchell and Gordon Cooper.  Gradually, with articles such as this one in Vanity Fair, the public is being informed.  Even the Catholic Church has confirmed that UFOs exist and there is a strong probability of  advanced extraterrestrial beings in contact with Earth. (See: http://www.ufodigest.com/balducci.html, http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc814.htm and many other online articles).

Alien Nation: Have Humans Been Abducted by Extraterrestrials?
May 10, 2013, Vanity Fair

John Edward Mack, a Pulitzer Prize–winning biographer and Harvard Medical School psychiatrist, spent years trying to fathom their stories [those who claimed alien abduction] and reached an astonishing conclusion: they were telling the truth. That is, they were not insane or deluded. In some unknown space/time dimension, something real had actually happened to them—not that Mack could explain just what or how. Mack graduated cum laude from Harvard Medical School and, while only a resident, founded one of the nation’s first outpatient hospitals. Days before his 75th birthday, he looked the wrong way down a London street and stepped in front of a drunk driver. But 20 years ago, when he burst onto the scene as the Harvard professor who believed in alien abduction, he was probably the most famous, or infamous, academic in America. Suddenly he was under investigation at Harvard, the target of a grueling inquisition. But two decades after Mack took alien abduction from the pages of the National Enquirer to the hallowed halls of Harvard, the question remains: why would a pillar of the psychiatric establishment at America’s oldest university court professional suicide to champion the most ridiculed and tormented outcasts of society? "I was raised as the strictest of materialists,” Mack told the writer C. D. B. Bryan. He had always assumed that anyone claiming to have been abducted by aliens was crazy, along with those who took them seriously. [Yet eventually] Mack appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show with five of his lucid, articulate, and normal-acting abductees. “He believes them when they say they have been on the aliens’ spaceships,” declared Oprah.

Note: Read this entire article to find out how a successful and skeptical Harvard professor came not only to believe some alien abductions were real, but had the courage to present the evidence for it to his peers and to the public. To watch the profoundly moving documentary "Touched," featuring Prof. Mack, click here. For lots more reliable, verifiable information suggesting a major cover-up of the UFO phenomenon, click here.

Believe in UFOs? Highlights of the Citizen Hearing on Disclosure
May 3, 2013, Washington Post blog

The first three days of UFO hearings have been … interesting. The Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is not a real congressional hearing. For a stipend of $20,000, six former members of Congress are sitting at the National Press Club and listening to 30 hours of testimony about UFOs. The media has been covering all this up for decades, apparently, in a coordinated effort with the CIA people on the staff of every media organization to suppress information. Activist Stephen Bassett observed that this subject is a third rail for media and public officials. “You can do anything and get out of the closet on it and it’ll be no problem but this… watch out, your career’s on the line. We are doing it because we have been brainwashed to laugh at it.” “Unless we change directions we’re likely to end up where we’re going,” enigmatically quipped Steven Greer, of the Disclosure Project. An Air Force colonel now in his 80s, Richard French, claimed to have been responsible for covering UFOs up. “I’d say it was swamp gas. Anything we could come up with to convince the general public. At that time there was an average of about three a week ufos … I went down there observed ‘em just regularly.” Former Senator Mike Gravel ... noted that ... “It is the height of human arrogance to think that we are… the only sentient beings that can think.” Former Congresswoman Carolyn Kilpatrick [added] “I think today’s whole experience has been one of intelligence … higher than normal in today’s society.”

Note: For more news on this key hearing, click here. For lots more reliable, verifiable information suggesting a major cover-up of the UFO phenomenon, click here.

Are all telephone calls recorded and accessible to the US government?
May 4, 2013, The Guardian (One of the UK's leading newspapers)

CNN's Out Front with Erin Burnett [has been] focused on the possible involvement in the Boston Marathon attack of Katherine Russell, the 24-year-old American widow of the deceased suspect, Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Anonymous government officials are claiming that they are now focused on telephone calls between Russell and Tsarnaev that took place both before and after the attack to determine if she had prior knowledge of the plot or participated in any way. Burnett interviewed Tim Clemente, a former FBI counterterrorism agent, about whether the FBI would be able to discover the contents of past telephone conversations between the two. He quite clearly insisted that they could: BURNETT: There's no way they actually can find out what happened, right, unless she tells them? CLEMENTE: No, there is a way. We certainly have ways in national security investigations to find out exactly what was said in that conversation. We certainly can find that out. BURNETT: So they can actually get that? People are saying, look, that is incredible. CLEMENTE: No, welcome to America. All of that stuff is being captured as we speak whether we know it or like it or not. On Thursday night, Clemente again appeared on CNN. He reiterated what he said the night before but added expressly that "all digital communications in the past" are recorded and stored. All digital communications - meaning telephone calls, emails, online chats and the like - are automatically recorded and stored and accessible to the government after the fact. To describe that is to define what a ubiquitous, limitless Surveillance State is.

Note: All of our communications have been monitored by government computers for years. BBC News reported in this this 1999 article about the Echelon network which monitors all communications globally. For deeply revealing reports from reliable major media sources on government and corporate threats to privacy, click here.


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