Oh, how I miss George Carlin! Here he is telling it exactly like it is in this country (the first clip contains coarse language, but definitely makes the point!):
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NB-HZG1Zh7s&feature=related (You are a slave)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKQs-jDI7j8&feature=player_embedded (Illusion of Freedom)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bICwyV5ppLU&feature=related (Freedom and Society)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bO0-u900OG4&feature=related (Conspiracy theorists)
And here's a good interview of Carlin by a very young-looking Jon Stewart, who got George to reveal personal information about himself.
Carlin, a sincere and honest man, was way ahead of his time with solid insights that have been proven true over and over again, up to the present time of insanity in this nation. He is sorely missed by all of us who love clear-seeing, clear-speaking, truth-telling people. He is right in that we only have the illusion of freedom and are fools to believe that our votes really count or make a difference. Our world is ruled by a power hierarchy that controls everything. It doesn't matter who you vote for -- the powers-that-be are funding both sides and will get whatever they want from Congress and the President, whoever he turns out to be. The sooner we learn this is true, and the more we share this information with others, the sooner we may have the possibility of turning things around by our sheer strength of numbers. For this to happen, though, truth and wisdom will have to be generated in the majority of the public. Judging by the number of people who presently think Santorum or Gingrich are strong presidential candidates, this will definitely not happen in my lifetime!
Our country is going down the tubes, circling the drain, as Carlin so perceptively observed. At my age, I no longer feel as if I have a stake in the outcome, either -- George is absolutely right when he says when we are born, we're given a ticket to the freak show here on Earth, and in America we have a front row seat. How true that is! Right now, the show is getting freakier by the minute -- just look at the Republican presidential candidates this year! Like George, I am watching the show while scanning this theater of the absurd for the Exit sign. Until I find the way out (as George already has), please pass the popcorn down this way.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
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» George Carlin on the illusion of freedom
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