Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Morgellon's disease -- caused by chemtrails? Watch these videos

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) in a recent decision says the symptoms of Morgellons (skin sores and blue fibers emerging from the skin, etc.) are "hallucinations." Thousands of people are experiencing the dire effects of this disease and have been for years -- and, as you will see in the ABC Nightline video, tests done on the fibers that emerge from the skin have been compared to the FBI's fiber database and show that these fibers are unlike any others in that huge database. Scientists have said the fibers are not like any known to man. Videos show these fibers actually emerging from the skin of victims.

Yet, many doctors (as with Lyme disease) continue to dismiss the symptoms of patients with this disease.  Open-minded, curious doctors, who have investigated for themselves and who treat patients with this disease, have come to understand that the disease is real.  But when they try to interest the rest of the medical community in their findings, they are ridiculed (just as in Lyme disease!)! (For more about Lyme, see the movie "Under Our Skin" at: http://www.snagfilms.com/films/title/under_our_skin  )  Open minds are not in great abundance in the medical community that is strongly controlled by the AMA and FDA, along with Big Pharma.  We, the people need to be educated to the truth.

Watch the 2 videos below and see what you think!  This has been going on for years, with more and more people getting this disease that is being dismissed by the powers-that-be.  I think you will agree after watching the ABC Nightline video that this cannot possibly be a hallucinatory disease.

ABC NIGHTLINE Investigation video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsiJpuARHcE&feature=related  This video made in 2008 informs the public that the CDC is going to investigate the illness.

The next video below is about the CDC's recent decision after years of "investigation." It's apparent that their "investigation" was announced to stop the publicity about Morgellons -- which it did, during the years of the so-called "investigation."  The decision reached by the CDC was a foregone conclusion. Whenever any disease such as Lyme or Morgellons takes hold of thousands, is made public and a clamor begins for answers, the doors of government slam shut on it. And the dismissive ridicule begins.  Doctors who stand up and tell the truth about the diseases are made to pay a heavy price -- sometimes even having their medical licenses removed.  We've seen this happen time and time again.  Who is there who will stand up for the people?  Who will tell the truth?  The corporate-owned mainstream media won't touch it, although in the ABC Nightline clip, you can see Cynthia McFadden trying and failing to understand why the doctor ("expert") is dismissing what is obviously a real disease from which people are suffering. 

There are speculations that residue from chemtrails may be causing this disease in people whose immune systems are susceptible.  Who knows?  But one thing is for sure: Morgellon's is NOT an imagined disease. 

Newest Video:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJt5qW8dZew

For more info, go to:  www.morgellonsexposed.com   


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