Monday, February 20, 2012

Texas going for Santorum Big Time

I hope Santorum wins the GOP nomination.  Then we could see how many people in this country want to return to the dark ages for women. Birth control and abortion will be out. He will want Planned Parenthood to lose all funding. No doubt he'd like chastity belts to come back in style, at least for Republican girls and women. In a Santorum world, gays will have to be "reeducated" to become straight, and gay rights would go out the window.  Strong, rigid Catholic Santorum will want laws against sex, unless it's for procreation purposes in marriage between a man and a woman.  I wonder how that will go down with Republican men of all ages in America.  Of course, it wouldn't apply to politicians (or some Catholic priests) for whom recreational sex is daily fare.  But for the rest of us -- well, that's a different story.  Santorum thinks the rabbles' appetites of all kinds need to be reined in, and this GOP holier-than-thou idiot is chomping at the bit to do the job.

I wonder how those who support Santorum can twist their minds around his looney ideology re. sex, etc.  Do they actually agree with him???  Personally, I think Santorum is obsessed with sex and fears his own sexual desires, which is why he rants against it all the time. 


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