Saturday, February 25, 2012

The Most Profound Four-Minute Video Clip I've Ever Seen

This was sent to me by a friend -- I watched the 4-minute clip and then decided to watch the full video. Wow!  It is truly heart-touching to see high school kids change -- reaching out to each other, revealing themselves and their innermost feelings...and to see how their openness affects others and inspires them to do the same.  This is a really wonderful video -- I believe the whole world could change from open sharings like this. I think most people would not be able to watch this without getting tears in their eyes and a feeling of love in their heart.

You won't be sorry if you take the time to watch this video about Project Challenge. It ought to be shown in every school in the country--and a Challenge Day scheduled for each school.  This is the way the world can change, with our young people coming to understand that every word and every action has the power to hurt -- or to help.  It would have been wonderful to have a program like this when I was a junior high or high school kid -- or when my own children were in those grades.  What a difference it could have made in our lives! But it's not too late for my grandkids.  Highly recommended viewing for kids and their parents!  It would be a good presentation for PTAs around the country to show, and to sponsor a Challenge Day in their schools.  The video shows that this is a way the world can change -- one by one by one.

The Most Profound Four-Minute Video Clip I've Ever Seen    I hope you take the time to check out the 4 minute video is so powerful to watch these young people change!

Dear friends,
The short, profound video below is easily the most inspiring video clip I have ever seen. This four-minute clip presents key excerpts from an Emmy-award-winning documentary which features the amazing Challenge Day story. Challenge Day has profoundly transformed the lives of countless teenagers and even entire schools across North America. Thousands of testimonials every year describe in glowing words how this one-day program dramatically changes lives for the better.
Challenge Day so inspired me that shortly after I learned about it, I volunteered for one of their day-long programs. I was astounded at how deeply I was affected and how everyone's eyes were opened to the fact that we are all much more alike than we might ever imagine.
Challenge Day is a one-day program offered in hundreds of high schools every year which opens students to seeing their common humanity in a way that is simply miraculous. It is not uncommon by the end of the day to find rival gang members hugging each other and saying I'm sorry, even with tears in their eyes. Watch the powerful clip of this profound video at the link below and see if you aren't moved and inspired by this life-changing program.
If you find the four-minute clip to be anywhere near as inspiring as I do, you will likely want to watch one of the longer versions, which are available in links just below the video. The full, Emmy-award-winning documentary is 90 minutes long and well worth watching. It rocked my world.
For more on this empowering work which continues to spread inspiration and transformation every day, explore the engaging Challenge Day website. This is a shining example of the many thousands of exciting movements now working to transform our world in wonderful ways. Take care, and may the inspiration of Challenge Day encourage us all to open more to the beauty in every one of us.
With very best wishes for profound transformation,
Fred Burks for PEERS and the Team
P.S. For a highly praised, free online course which features Challenge Day in lesson one, click here.

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