Monday, July 11, 2011

BEST truth-telling essay yet!

David Michael Green eloquently and exactly expresses my political thoughts!  I am so glad Mr. Green exists -- he saves me so much time and energy in writing out my own opinion about Obama.  All I have to do is pass along Mr. Green's brilliantly clear essays, and my thoughts have been expressed along with his!  Please read this essay all the way through if you would like truth about Obama and the rest of the political scene.  I have included a few excerpts below.

By David Michael Green

EXCERPT:  The thing about Obama that neither Democrats nor Republicans understand is that this guy is fundamentally regressive in his politics. That is the essence of his presidency, though - astonishingly - very few people get that. Look at the litany of issues addressed above. If you honestly asked yourself for each of them what, in the abstract, would a progressive president do, and what would a regressive president do, you can immediately decipher the true nature of Barack Obama. A progressive president wouldn't triple American forces in Afghanistan and launch three new wars abroad, but a regressive president would. A progressive president wouldn't out-do Dick Cheney in wrecking the Bill of Rights, but a regressive president would. A progressive president wouldn't follow behind the lead of Republicans on civil rights issues, but a regressive president would.

And that's just what this regressive president has done, all down the line. Never mind that we're just getting started here. We could go on and on with this, issue after issue. What do you think a regressive president would do about the planetary nightmare of global warming? Nothing, perhaps? Gee, does that sound familiar? How about giving out unprecedentedly gigantic oil tracts off the Atlantic coast? Or multiple rounds of additional tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy? Hey, where have I heard that before? Even Obama's signature 'liberal' issue, his health care plan, was just dandy from the perspective of the insurance industry, with whom he cut a deal at the very beginning of the legislative process. I'm sorry, but if those guys are happy with the bill (maybe - I'm just wildly guessing here - because it forces about 35 million people to buy their expensive and useless product?), what does that tell you about the legislation, and about the president who crafted it?

Bold Barack. Brave Barack. He'll come speak moving words to your caucus. You know, shit about "bending the arc of history", and "we'll get there together". He'll take your money. And then, when it comes to actual policy decisions, where it counts, his position will be so lame that he'll manage to be outflanked by Republicans, even the thuggish freaks who are more or less the only kind of Republicans there are in 2011. Brilliant. And so liberal.

And about as sadly ironic as it gets. The heterosexual Obama on gay rights - unquestionably the central civil rights issue of our time - reminds me of nothing so much as the Caucasian Dwight Eisenhower or John Kennedy trying to fudge the moral imperative of the African American civil rights movement that was shoved in their faces in the Fifties and Sixties, pathetically splitting hairs, trying to placate their racist constituents while history was happening all around them, much to their chagrin. Imagine if, by some certain quirk of science fiction, that Barack Obama had been president then. What would he have done, as his own people demanded justice, prosperity, freedom and democratic rights? He would have done what he is doing to gays today. And for that matter, what he is doing for racial minorities today (which is nothing), an issue on which he has been the most silent president of my lifetime. I'm not joking about this. Even if it were his own people whose lives and fortunes and destinies were in the balance, blacks would have gotten Mr. Bigtalk at the campaign fundraiser, but Mr. Laylow in the Oval Office.

In short, Democratic support and defense of Barack Obama is a sad joke. This guy is no liberal. He is, in fact, using liberal votes to join the Gingriches and Cheneys and Palins of this world in the project of destroying liberalism and its great achievement of massively widening the middle class and sharing national prosperity. Hey, not a bad gig, if you don't mind the whole cynicism part, and the whole spending eternity in Hell thing.