EXCERPT: "I cannot foresee what will happen politically if you craft a compromise to a manufactured political crisis ... I cannot forecast if you have made yourself unelectable next year or if there's just enough greed and self-serving amnesia to reduce such an attack on that safety net to a political blip ... I find I cannot forecast if the rest of us, battered by your compromises here and your 'it's a start's' there, will bother any longer to defend you. I find I can't forecast if I will still be able to support you ... if this deal with the Republicans takes a dollar away from those people who do not have a dollar to spare while preserving the millions for those who have millions more, if this deal, sir, keeps intact funding the mechanisms we have for killing people while cutting the mechanisms we have for keeping people alive and healthy, then it is a betrayal of everything that makes this country great."
This is Keith's comment on the debt ceiling debacle -- and the fact that Social Security and Medicare are on the table. He makes some excellent points about this country and our values...and what really matters, when all is said and done.
The sad fact is that raising the debt ceiling has been an almost automatic event in every case in the past. It is absolutely necessary to preserve our country's credit rating in the world. Yet the regressive Tea Party-type Republicans (they who love to call themselves "patriots") this year are doing everything they can to bring down the country. They would rather not think about how under George W. Bush the debt ceiling was raised SEVEN times, with no hullaballoo about it at all. Their hatred of Obama leads them to protest and oppose EVERYthing in his administration, including a no-brainer like raising the debt ceiling. They are an ignoble bunch, hypocritically proclaiming themselves to be "patriots" and "Christians" while demonstrating by their actions that they haven't a patriotic or Christian principle in as much as their little finger, let alone their whole bodies!
We should not have to endure such idiocy and stupidity that threatens the well-being of us all, but these ignorant people are proud to call themselves Americans -- and actually believe they are Christians, though Christ would almost certainly not recognize them as such. Their hatred of others who are different or who don't comply with "their" rules/beliefs is astounding, all the more because they really think they are following the teachings of Jesus Christ. It's incomprehensible how they can twist their minds to ignore the true teachings of Jesus, while condemning gays, blacks, Latinos, Muslims---anyone with a different color or belief. And they continue to believe the fairy tale told them by the elite rulers of this country: that wealth will "trickle down," even while seeing it does NOT trickle down, but ever increases at the top, while the middle class and poor are struggling to survive, without health care and without jobs. The Tea Party mindsets are cemented into concrete--and it doesn't matter what facts are set before them, they refuse to consider, or even look at, facts. Their ignorance will drag the rest of us down with them, as they destroy our country in their fanatical support of Wall Street and the military/industrial complex that has brought us to our knees and threatens our very existence.
Amazingly, these people, for all their professed religiosity, don't ever seem to consider the meaning of life -- why are we here? -- what is the purpose of it all?. Concentrating on acquiring all they can for themselves and their families, and protecting themselves from their "enemies" (ever increasing by the day), they don't think about how short a lifespan we humans really have. People who have had near-death experiences tell us what they were told while on "the other side": the two important questions at the end of your life will be: "How much did you learn?" and "How much did you love?" Did you follow Christ's teaching of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"? Did you hear his instruction to "Love one another as I have loved you"?
Ah, well...I have found it is useless to try to talk with these Tea Party folks. They live in a little box of their own making -- their world is black and white, with no shades of gray. They wave their flags and go to church and think of themselves as good Christians, even as they ignore Christ's teaching. There ain't no cure for this kind of thinking. And Michele Bachmann epitomizes it -- she is actually running ahead of the Republican field in Iowa. Sigh.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
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» VIDEO: Keith Olbermann comment to Obama--should be seen by everyone
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