(11 minutes) (13 minutes)
As an activist type who is tired of no results from the promises of Obama, I am interested in hearing about this new movement. These videos talk about People taking the reins -- a good idea and one that seems to have been given a lot of thought by the activist presenters and has a great deal of cyber-type expertise behind it. These guys are showing the powers-that-be that the little people have power, too, and can bring governments and corporations to a standstill through hacking into their so-called "impenetrable" websites, wreaking havoc in daily business and learning secrets that are being kept from the public.
With the advent of Wikileaks and now The Plan, it appears a new age is dawning. The group (they dispute this, saying they are not a group but an "idea") calling itself Anonymous has already set up action phases to show how much power they wield. In June they initiated Phase One, War Against the System. Identifying themselves as "people just like you--your barber, your dentist, your next-door neighbor, etc.", they have hacked into many corporate and government systems, apparently, like Jack the Giant Killer, to let the giants know they are here, and that they have a ferocious power to wield against the giants, to hit them where they live. This is definitely a way to get the attention of the giants--and to raise their ire. Just look at what the giants did to Jack Kennedy and his brother Bobby, who also had ideas to make major changes to the establishment. One of Jack Kennedy's speeches is excerpted in the second video, just as he delivered it. In hearing it, you will have no doubts about why he was taken out. His dynamic democratic rhetoric set off alarms in the chests of the real rulers--right in the place where their missing hearts should be, but aren't.
My concerns--and I do have a few--are that the message of Anonymous leans rightward to libertarianism/no government at all, while still appealing to progressives on the left, who simply want reform in government. There is a warlike beat to the video and stirring, rousing revolutionary-type music that raises a disturbing red flag for me. They say they are dedicated to non-violence, but parts of the presentation belie this a least, for me. In watching the film, I couldn't help but compare it to Leni Reifenstahl's Triumph of the Will, the earliest Nazi propaganda film, which I saw just a week ago on Netflix. There is a chilling similarity in how it is presented, with beating drums and loud march music. And the woman's voice at the end is creepy, because it is one of those robotic voices (a la Stephen Hawkings) that is emotionless and doesn't always get the pronunciations right--and lets endings of words just trail off. To me, that does not portend a good replacement for what we already have in a controlling government and ruling elites.
But that doesn't mean I am writing off Anonymous in their attempts to get the ears of the powerful. They provide a welcome forum and network for people to come together in voicing their concerns about where we as a nation, and a world, are heading. The politicians turn a deaf ear to us when we write or phone them as individuals. Perhaps, joined together--with a way to get the attention of the giants who now rule us--we may be able to make some inroads toward the kind of government that really is "of the people, by the people, for the people."
And so, I am interested to see what follows in "The Plan," as presented by this Anonymous group/idea who are trying to convince the rest of us to join them. (See their website at: ) Watch the videos and see how they resonate (or not) with you. Like the creators of these videos, I am disgusted with how we the people are being conned in every way by those who have the money and the power, and who have bought off everyone in our government. There is no dividing line between the government and the ruling corporations in our nation today. The military/industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about has taken over and calls the shots. At the present time, we have absolutely no representation for our interests. It doesn't matter what political party you belong to, they all seem dedicated to shafting the middle class and the poor. Given the choice of falling in line behind Cheney/Bush/Obama/Clinton or walking with Anonymous, at this point I am inclined to investigate the Anonymous direction. It will be interesting to see what further plans are put forth for letting the powers-that-be know We're Mad as Hell and We Won't Take It Anymore!
For those who understand astrology, it is interesting to note that this revolution (and the unmasking of the dirty tactics of the Murdoch newspaper empire) is taking place as Pluto begins a long transit through the sign of Capricorn, the symbol of government, big business, and ruling authorities. Pluto's energy is that of transformation, beginning with destruction and progressing to rebuilding from the ashes of that which was destroyed. But for anything new to arise, first destruction must take place. Pluto's long transit through the preceding sign of Sagittarius coincided with the unmasking and destruction of priests, gurus, religious organizations and church authorities. During that transit (Sagittarius is the sign of religion and high church authority), the long-kept secrets of priestly abuse of children was revealed, as well as the Catholic Church's deliberate hiding of those abuses. It's interesting to note that the present Pope is, according to prophecy, the last Pope of the Church, which is bleeding membership and losing its authority/dominion over millions around the world. It is being seen by many as being a giant cult. Cults and ministers/priests/gurus of all kinds met their Waterloo while Pluto transited Sagittarius. Consider, too, all of the revelations about fundamentalist Christian preachers and their sexual transgressions. As a species, we are slowly being transformed through having truth revealed to us, as Pluto moves through the different signs. Pluto is not gentle in bringing truth to the surface.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
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» Have you seen these intriguing videos? -- Revolution/Resistance against the System
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