Friday, March 25, 2011

Republicans won't rest until the middle class is dead and buried

Can you believe what is happening while the people sleep?  Republicans are determined to deny workers all rights in our country, which was originally founded on the rights of the people!  Republican governors are gleefully taking on the task of stifling the voice of the workers in favor of more power and profits to the already-inflated-to-bursting Wall Street/big business profiteers.  Everything in this country is upside down.  And yet I have Republican friends and relatives who support--and strongly defend!--this takeover of our country by the rich. They vote against their own interests, without even realizing it.  How to cure ignorance/stupidity of this magnitude?  Read this revealing article by Robert Reich:

GOP'S WAR ON LABOR:  Why We Need a Fighter in the White House
By Robert Reich

EXCERPT:  Big business and Wall Street have emerged from the Great Recession with their pockets bulging. Profits and bonuses are as high as they were before the downturn. And they're spending like mad on lobbying and politics. After the Supreme Court's disgraceful Citizens United decision, there are no limits.

Pro-business goals are breaking out all over. Governors across America are slashing corporate taxes as they slash state budgets. House and Senate Republicans are intent on deregulating, privatizing, and cutting spending and taxes so their corporate and Wall Street patrons will do even better.

But most Americans are still in desperate trouble. Few if any of the economic gains are trickling down.

That's why the current Republican assault on workers - on their right to form unions, on unemployment insurance and Social Security, on public employees, and even (courtesy of Governor LePage) on our common memory - is so despicable.

And it's why we need a President who will fight for workers and fight against this assault - just as Perkins and FDR did.
