Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Obama's latest poll numbers not good

The latest poll reflects the president's sliding fortunes in other studies, with a full 50 percent now saying that he does not deserve to stay in office beyond 2012.

Researchers also found that only 13 percent of Democrats disapprove of the president's actions. (Surprisingly low percentage. The number should be much higher, seeing that Obama has proven to be more of a Republican than a Democrat! But who/what is the alternative? Just look at the Republican lineup of candidates for 2012. No wonder the Dems figure it's best to stay with Republican-lite Obama!  Republicans hate him, mostly because of his skin color ["uppity black man"] than his policies, which, for the most part, have been continuances of Cheney/Bush. But Republicans can't admit they are racist, even though they send out racist materials against Obama and his wife. They have a big blind spot about themselves in that regard and, in their denial, take great umbrage if you point it out.)

They're joined by 81 percent of Republicans, Quinnipiac noted, who fiercely oppose Obama -- even in spite of the fact that much of his policies, both foreign and domestic, are the same as or similar to his Republican predecessor's.


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