Saturday, March 05, 2011

How to pass a bill through the state senate, Ohio GOP style

If you're the leader of the Republican state senate in Ohio, and you want to pass a bill taking away public workers' rights to collective bargaining, and the two committees needed to pass it through so it can get to the floor for a vote, don't have the necessary majority in your favor--what do you do?  Why, you yank off one opposing member from each committee and replace them with representatives who will vote the way you want them to.  It's the good old Republican way.  CHEAT and WIN.  The public is so used to it now, and with their noses kept to the grindstone most of them aren't even aware of what is going on politically -- thus, you can get away with anything! Right out in the public eye!

This is what we have come to--where liars and cheats do their dirty business right out in the open, and don't even bother to hide it behind closed doors.  They count on the public being so dumbed down, they won't even notice -- and that is how it works out, unfortunately.   Even the representatives who were replaced, though they don't like it, won't say anything against it (party loyalty or threats, or both, no doubt), and the bill passes through your legislature.  If the Democrats in Ohio allow this, without screaming out against it, they get what they deserve: a government ruled by liars, cheaters, and slimeballs. (So, what else is new?!!!)

How anyone can be a Republican and hold their head up high while defending the blackguard leaders of their party, is a mystery to me.  Ohio voters need to take a long look at what they have voted in to represent them and finally take notice that they have voted against their own interests. These dirty dealers are doing them in!  I am disheartened and sorry to say that with stuff like this going on all over our country, we have slid too far down the slippery slope of disaster to ever make our way back up again.  Greed and power lust have taken their toll on the once great promise of our democratic republic.  The dreams of Washington and Jefferson are dead -- lying in the muck and mire of scheming, damn-the-people politics.  The power at the top is too great for us to bring it down -- unless we all unite and scream ENOUGH! WE AREN'T GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE!   And, with public ignorance and apathy so predominant in our society today, that isn't likely to happen anytime soon.
