Friday, March 25, 2011

There are Republicans who think Michele Bachmann is great

but most sane Republicans know this woman is a dingbat. The Tea Party crowd loves her because she is exactly like them -- not too swift in the intelligence department, and that is just what they want. Somewhere along the way in America, a large group of not-too-well-educated people decided what they really need is a President who is not smarter than they are, but one who shares the same brain gene pool with them. Thus, we got Duhmbya Bush--and you saw how that turned out. And now they want to give us Bachmann, Palin, O'Donnell, and other walking disasters of that intelligence level. That the media is taking this seriously tells the sad truth about journalists today. We can't count on most of them for a wise (or even basically intelligent) analysis of the political scene. And so we have to endure the loud-mouthed, no-brains Tea Bagger nincompoops shouting out their ignorance from FOX "News" and any other channel stupid enough to cover idiot candidates. The main objective of these fools is to get broad enough coverage and enough "dittohead" followers to interest FOX in hiring them as "political commentators" with million dollar salaries. Hey, it worked for Sarah Palin!
By Eric Alterman


Bachmann has about as much chance of actually getting the nomination as Lindsay Lohan. Does anyone in the world, even Bachmann herself, sincerely believe that this would be anything other than an exercise in vanity and self-delusion?

Bachmann, whom the Tea Party appointed to give its response to President Obama’s State of the Union address (which CNN thought worthy of broadcasting live, in full) knows less American history than the students of Ms. Ajami’s seventh grade MS 54 Humanities class.

But what is really craziest about the story of Bachmann’s candidacy—and most disturbing about the fact that it will be treated as an actual “hard news” story by so much of the media in the coming months—is the lady herself.

Global warming is “all voodoo, nonsense, hokum, a hoax," says climatologist Bachmann. But here’s my point. What does it say about our national media that this woman is considered a serious person? And how can any reporter expect anyone, anytime to take him or her seriously if they treat the “Bachmann for President” boomlet as anything but a symbol of a political system that has run itself off the rails of sanity?