Sunday, March 27, 2011

Interesting article about how history repeats itself -- over and over, with the same results, EVERY TIME

Good article about the demise of education.  Should be read by all (but will be ignored by those who most need to read it).   We are headed for serfdom for the majority (the middle class is pretty much in it already) -- and the wealthy will make out for a few more years, until the serfs rebel (we're now seeing signs of it in Wisconsin, and the unrest is spreading).  Anyone up for a repeat performance of the French Revolution?  Off with their heads!  The greed for wealth and power by the elite has led to poverty and hardship for millions throughout the centuries -- but they never seem to learn that the worm eventually turns.  On and on the story'd think the human race would be tired enough of it by now to have learned something.

As one reader of the article comments: 

The Koch bros and others like them are blithering idiots.

The Koch bros, for example, are heavily invested in forest products like Georgia Pacific and in other industries that thrive off of cheap hourly wage labor. These guys make a mint from the "excess" labors of their workers so they want to force every one of them into poverty.

What these Koch dumbasses cannot fathom is that after they get a majority of the citizenry into poverty, those same citizens will not have enough money to purchase the products that these morons have their impoverished workers produce. The Koch morons sell paper towels and paper plates and other home products, but I can remember when we used the same glass plates daily and used and washed cloth dish towels. When people become impoverished, they will return to this.

Right now, Republicans are still cruising off of the wealth three generations of progressive Americans created. When that runs out, and it will, these assholes will be whining and crying to the rooftops and wondering what went wrong.

I taught technology for many years. Without the skills to create new technology, our nation will quickly lag behind the entire world, including militarily, and we have few real allies left after all of the killing we have done in other nations around the world.

Now, as far as music and art are concerned, we must all ask ourselves what in the world are we working for? Apparently, the Koch's and other lowbrows like them think that success is measured by the amount of money a person makes and is able to display with pretentious McMansions and fancy, oversized foreign cars and being able to fly around the world in jets to have a perverted liason with some gold digging skanky mistress somewhere.

These narrow minded folks will never know the joy of learning to play a beautiful song on a fine musical instrument, or to create one in their minds and make it come to life. Without art and music, our world would be far less joyful.

Without educated citizens, our world will become very course and brutal, and a place that will not sustain wealth and progress. People like the moronic Koch's and other Republicans will soon discover that all they have is rather worthless when people are trying to destroy them to take it away from them. This is what eventually happens when people become angry and the wealthy can no longer control them. Seems that all arrogant wealthy folks delude themselves more and more until they find themselves defending against the masses with little support for their causes left.

History is clear about this.

The Koch bros are no exception.
