Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Why Gingrich Should Never Be President

Gingrich's arrogance alone should put voters on their guard, but his continued flip-flopping back and forth on important issues proves he is the consummate politician, always putting his finger to the wind -- and changing positions at the slightest breeze.  A typical Republican of these times. Just the fact alone that he left his first wife while she was in the hospital with cancer tells SO MUCH about this man's character.  But character defects don't matter to most Republican voters--in their own candidates.  Gingrich was one of the loudest denouncers of Clinton's sexual escapades, while he himself was heavily involved in (but keeping secret) his own extramarital sexual escapades. Hypocrite should be his middle name. He is a dangerous immoral man who never owns up to his errors in judgment and action. but tries to blame others for them.  Just the kind of man we DON'T want in the White House.

Newt Gingrich: Shooting from the Lip
By Eugene Robinson

Why does it matter if a man known for rhetorical bomb-throwing happens to lob a few contradictory grenades? Because when Gingrich said on "Fox News Sunday" that he hopes to announce his candidacy for president within a month, nobody laughed. There's no clear front-runner for the Republican nomination, and one has to assume that anything can happen.

In that same interview, Gingrich completed the final full twist in a "flip-flop-flip" maneuver that would have merited perfect "10s" in an Olympic diving competition -- demonstrating why he should never, ever be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office.

Gingrich... reflexively shoots from the lip. On any conceivable subject, he's always ready to tell you more than he knows. He is certain that his view is 100 percent right -- until he decides it's 100 percent wrong.

I realize his criticism of Obama from all sides of the Libya question is fundamentally a political tactic -- go on the attack, make a lot of noise, attract some attention. But his cavalier recklessness on a matter of war and peace should send chills up the spine of anyone who sees the words "Newt Gingrich" and "presidential candidate" in the same sentence. Heaven help us.


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