Friday, January 21, 2011

Seymour Hersh reveals "crusaders" in military

God bless Seymour Hersh, probably the last true investigative journalist left in our country.  All others have been silenced by the power-and-greed authoritarian military/industrial complex that now rules our world.  I have to laugh (through my tears) when I hear the far right fanatics complain about the "liberal" press.  What a joke that is!  Fundamentalists control the media, and we are fast becoming like Nazi Germany, where the only news one could get was filtered through the fascists.  FOX News is a direct pipeline to that kind of "news," and the far right crazies eat it up.  They love being called "dittoheads" by their hero, Rush Limbaugh. And that alone says a lot about them, doesn't it?


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Anonymous said...

Seymour Hersh is a rabble rouser. His derogatory statements about Christians in a Muslim country do nothing but to antagonize Islamic followers. Hersh is doing exactly what liberals claim conservatives are doing when they accuse them of saying things that harm democracy. Only Hersh should know that his remarks insight violence.