Tuesday, January 18, 2011

200 Dead Cows in Wisconsin, adds to animal deaths occurring in the world


We have to ask the question: Can these mass deaths be one of the deleterious effects of chemtrails?  The large amount of aluminum and barium falling on us from trails being laid down almost daily in our skies may be affecting our birds and animals, as it is affecting the soil and water all over the western world. It is now evident to all who are curious enough to turn their eyes upward that spraying is being done in the skies of all NATO countries, but is being denied by the governments. See the documentary What In the World Are They Spraying? online in full.  It is a well done investigative report and is an eye opener, with credible scientists from around the world voicing their concerns and telling their scientific findings. This documentary is now available to be seen in full on several sites online. You can see it at: http://farmwars.info/?p=4449

I personally have many questions about this spraying, which was first proposed by Dr. Edward Teller in 1997. Following is an e-mail I sent out on January 6, 2002 on this subject. Not many people were paying attention to chemtrails back then -- those of us who were and were trying to warn about them were looked on as kooks.  Yet all one has to do is look in the sky on any given day and see these murky trails being laid down in profusion, spreading outward to cover the blue skies in a milky-gray color.  Anyway, following in black type is just a part of the e-mail I sent out in 2002.  Since then, the incidences of asthma in children and Alzheimer's in seniors (linked to aluminum: see http://www.rense.com/general37/alum.htm) have risen rapidly.
Perhaps more people are paying attention now. One can only hope:

Dr. Edward Teller and a colleague gave a paper at the International  Seminar on Planetary Emergencies, Sicily, Italy, on August 20-23, 1997.  You can read the entire paper if you have Acrobat Reader on your computer by going to www.rense.com and clicking on the article "Dr. Teller's Anti-Global Warming Chemtrail Scheme."  I was just outside at sunset and saw a plane zooming across our sky in the high atmosphere, laying down a chemtrail...they do a lot of this work at night as well as in the daytime.  Looks like they adopted Dr. Teller's plan.  The paper is full of high-sounding scientific jargon, but the parts about his suggestions for chemical spraying of particulates in our skies are highlighted in yellow.  For anyone who can't get into the file, I've copied off the important parts:

ABSTRACT (Page one)
It has been suggested that large-scale climate changes, mostly due to atmospheric injection of "greenhouse gases" connected with fossil-fired energy production, should be forestalled by internationally agreed reductions in e.g., electricity generation.  The potential economic impacts of such limitations are obviously large--greater than 610 to the 11th power/year (Note from Eileen: obviously a lot of money--I am not a mathematician so can't tell you what this is translated into dollars).  We propose that for far smaller--less than 1%--costs, the mean thermal effects of "greenhouse gases" may be obviated in any of several distinct ways, some of them novel.  These suggestions are all based on scatterers that prevent a small fraction of solar radiation from reaching all or part of the Earth.  We propose research directed to quite near-term realization of one or more of these inexpensive approaches to cancel the effects of the "greenhouse gas" injection.

Later on in page 4 of the text, which runs for 21 pages, Teller and the 2 other authors of this devious plan suggest atmospheric "scattering":

In principle, the most effective of all possible scatterers are atoms or molecules that scatter light in resonance.  Such extremely strong scatttering can be obtained for light of a frequency adapted to a specific atom or molecule.  The simplest example would be scattering of a narrow band of red light by lithium atoms or of yellow light by sodium atoms.  Unfortunately, such exceptionally strong scatterings occur only in the immediate neighborhood of an atomic transition-frequency, and the atom will selectively interact with light of frequencies which deviates from the resonant one by about one part in ten million (for visible light).  This difficulty can be overcome by broadening the resonance (accompanied by a proportionate weakening of the scattering-strength) or by using scatterers that have many separate resonances--or, most effectively, by a combination of these two approaches.  Of the order of l million tons of such resonant-type scattering material are estimated to suffice to remove 1% of the total insolation of the Earth; the corresponding cost may be $0.3-0.75 billion/year.

In other words, rather than decrease the emissions we are daily sending into the air from our factories, oil refineries, big cars, etc., it is far better, according to Dr. Teller, to further pollute the air with spraying of one million tons of particulates!  I am no scientist, but some very knowledgable scientists who are dismayed/disturbed/angered by the chemtrails we have been seeing in our skies all over the world since 1998 (note that this paper was presented in late summer of 1997, so they really got busy putting their evil deed into action quickly, didn't they?) have analyzed the residues from the skies in areas where they live and have identified aluminum oxide particulates and other types of particulates.  One of these scientists is Clifford Carnicom.  Look into his site at http://www.carnicom.com/contrails.htm and also read the answer he got from the Environmental Protection Agency in 1999 to his inquiries about chemtrail spraying at:  http://www.netowne.com/environmental/contrails/carnicom.htm
Of course, it is your typical denial letter..."what? we don't know anything about this kind of spraying...etc., etc."  In other words, believe the government and don't trust your lying eyes.

If you are interested in finding out how we have all been bamboozled, betrayed, and subjected to this toxic spraying by our own government, without our knowledge or permission, using our tax dollars against us, you might also want to look at www.chemtrailcentral.com to familiarize yourself with this subject.  And then write or call your representatives/senators and demand some answers from the government!

I am blazing angry about this, as you can probably tell.  Many people are reporting respiratory ailments and other illnesses in themselves and in their babies/children that they believe are directly related to this spraying, which is taking place on a DAILY basis all over our planet!!!  It stands to reason that spraying aluminum oxide into our already toxic skies every day is probably not very good for us!  And we had no say in it whatsoever...and if we inquire about it, we are stonewalled.  So much for trusting the government.

A few nights ago, Bill Moyers presented on PBS a very interesting documentary called "Trade Secrets," which told all about chemical companies' devious and deliberate refusal over the past 40 plus years to tell their employees and the public about the extremely detrimental effects of their chemicals such as PVC that have killed many, many people.  Moyers said it is a huge experiment on our children, none of whom is being born without these chemicals in their blood!  If, as a parent/grandparent of a small child or grandchild, you are upset by this information, get on the bandwagon to let these chemical companies and our congressional representatives know we won't stand for this kind of treatment any longer!  Their lobbyists are so strong, the only state in the country that has passed a "right-to-know" law (as to what is in the things we are buying) is California.  In all other states that have proposed this, the lobbyists and their courting of representatives/senators who care more for the money than they do for the people they represent, have knocked the proposals out of the ballpark.  And NO testing/research is being done to see if these chemicals are safe for humans.  Even though the chemical companies promised such testing/research, they've done NOTHING about it.  If you haven't seen it, get a copy of the video or transcript of this Moyers presentation. 

I am identifying very strongly these days with that guy in the movie NETWORK, who hollered out the window, "I'm mad as hell, and I won't take it anymore!"

The only way things will change on this planet is if we become informed and storm the gates of Congress through letters, phone calls, and our votes.  If you're not satisfied with the way things are going, please join with me in this endeavor.

Along with a wish for a peaceful, clean world where our children and grandchildren can be raised healthfully and happily, I sign off with love to you all,


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Anonymous said...

Why does President Obama allow this? Is he ignorant of what is going on, or is he part of the conspiracy?