Saturday, January 22, 2011

Thank Keith Olbermann

Passing this along -- please write to Keith Olbermann if you will miss him on MSNBC.  Far right wingers who read this blog, please control yourselves and do not write him the kinds of things you send to me.  For those who truly appreciated Keith's political observations: Watch Keith's final sign off -- and then sign the "Thank you, Keith" statement today.  I just wrote him the following:

Thanks, Keith, for being one of only a very few sane and truthful reporters in our country for so many years! I despise the fact that corporations have taken over our government and our world. It's obvious that Comcast didn't like you telling truth to the people. As soon as they took over MSNBC, out you went, as the first ouster on their agenda.  Greed and power lust on the part of corporations like Comcast, together with deregulation begun by Reagan and continued by Republicans after him, have taken away our democracy and turned it into an oligarchy.  I suppose Rachel Maddow will be the next head to roll, if she dares to speak truth as dynamically as you have. Please keep speaking out, Keith. Millions of us are listening--and hoping to hear more voices like yours as advocates for the people. Our Congressional representatives no longer represent us (if they ever did) -- their votes are bought and paid for by corporate lobbyists. What a sad state of affairs. As Pogo of the comic strip so wisely remarked, "We have met the enemy and he is us."  Please keep speaking out, Keith, in whatever ways you can! Your voice is needed in our country!

Subject: thank Olbermann
Date: Sat, 22 Jan 2011 23:15:59 +0000
From: Adam Green,>

As you may have heard, last night Keith Olbermann stunned viewers by announcing that it would be his last show on MSNBC.

He thanked the 300,000 of us who successfully petitioned last November to get him back on the air. Details of the latest saga are still coming out, but one thing's for sure: Keith spoke truth to power and he deserves our immense thanks. 

Watch Keith's final sign off -- and then sign our "Thank you, Keith" statement today.


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