Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Hampshire straw poll for 2012 Republican presidential candidates

The full results from the WMUR/ABC/N.H. Republican Party presidential straw poll are: Mitt Romney with 35% of the 273 ballots cast, Ron Paul with 11%, Tim Pawlenty with 8% and Sarah Palin with 7%. The remaining results: Michele Bachmann and Jim DeMint with 5% each; Herman Cain with 4%; Chris Christie, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, Mitch Daniels and Mike Huckabee with 3% each; Rudy Giuliani, Judd Gregg, Gary Johnson and "other" with 2% each; and Donald Trump and Haley Barbour with 1% each. Jon Huntsman Jr. and John Thune were on the ballot but received no votes.

Right now, Mitt Romney seems to be looking the best to Republicans. Sarah Palin is way, way down the list and so are Gingrich and Huckabee. Can you imagine Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann even being considered? We live on a planet with people who would actually vote for them!

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