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Interesting stories about Fred Burks' years of interpreting in high-level political meetings:
Free online courses:
Best Online Lesson on UFOs: A powerfully revealing online lesson brings together the best video, quotes, essays, and much more on the important topic of UFOs. Developed by individuals involved with, this dynamic two-hour lesson provides a greater context with which to understand not only the cover-ups and manipulations going on involving UFOs and ETs, but how this directly affects our lives and world. This eye-opening lesson also gives ideas on what you can do to make a difference, and leaves you feeling a refreshing sense of hope for the future of our world.
Speculation on UFOs and the Big Picture on Earth: This seven-page essay by the founder of provides deep speculation on the UFO presence on our planet and its implications. Though this is a speculative essay in which the sources provided are not as reliable as those usually used on the website, plentiful links are provided to explore some of the fascinating theories proposed. Don't miss this inspiring essay which calls on each of us to join in transforming our beautiful planet. - A Speculative Look at the Big Picture
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