Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Oprah's show today -- beautifully inspiring!

Oprah talked with people from all over the world about how her online classes with Eckhart Tolle on Mondays are affecting them and changing their lives. There were some exceptional stories. One woman who is dying of cancer says it changed her whole perspective of life and death--and she no longer fears death. She was radiant with happiness--and life! An Army captain serving in Iraq told how he carries a small card with reminders he has copied from Tolle's book, "A New Earth." He is under siege daily--is near Sadr City--and says it has helped him greatly to realize he is the Awareness behind his thoughts and emotions. As Tolle points out, we say "my thoughts" and "my emotions" -- who is this "me/my" that claims ownership? A good question to ask oneself.

Thank you, Oprah, for all the good you are doing on this planet (her Monday classes are reaching millions!). As Tolle's book says, "Humanity is faced with a stark choice: evolve or die." Oprah is doing her part in helping Earth's citizens to evolve.

If you have not tuned into the Monday classes online and wish to do so, just go to Here's your special link to access the webcast
All of the classes are available to be viewed there (there have been 6 so far, each one covering a chapter in Tolle's book. You may be surprised at how interesting these classes are--and at the great questions from people around the planet.