Thursday, April 24, 2008

James Zogby: End It Now, Hillary!

...and, boy, does he EVER have it RIGHT! The Dems will not come together to support Clinton--and may not come together to support Obama if she keeps this farce up. She cannot win, no way--no how. She needs to quit. She and Bill Clinton have lost so much more than they know by their narcissicistic insistence that they are owed the presidency again. If they persist in their folly, they will never be looked on again as leaders in the Democratic party. I believe Hillary has already lost her chance to revive herself for another run in the future. I, for one, would never vote for her after this.

There is a bizarre, and even tragic, unreality to the continuing drama playing out in the Democratic primary. Partly due to the seven-week gap between the first 42 contests and this week's match-up in Pennsylvania, and partly due to the tenacity and temerity of the Clintons, this election is being presented as close and not yet over.

But it is over.

See the rest at:

James Zogby: End It Now - Politics on The Huffington Post


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