Because our medical industry was taken over early in the 20th century by the AMA and their partnered pharmaceutical companies, which immediately ushered out effective treatments like homeopathy, present-day doctors have been trained only on pharmaceuticals. That's all most doctors know about. Pills. And the docs are wined, dined, and otherwise bribed by Big Pharma company lobbyists to prescribe their particular pills. The competition between Big Pharma companies is ferocious. Doctors prescribe pills that cause side effects and then other pills to stem those side effects, but which then cause their own side effects -- and on and on and on.....
To read more about the AMA's attack on homeopathy and resultant deleterious effects on the human race, read "The Worst Crime of the Century" at:
On a somewhat lighter note, an essay by Steve Martin entitled Side Effects can be read at:
It is one of my favorite humorous essays! It starts out: DOSAGE: take two tablets every six hours for joint pain. SIDE EFFECTS: This drug may cause joint pain
And it goes on from there. Many of you will recognize the truth of it from your own prescriptions...
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