Thursday, June 11, 2015

Why Conservatives Are Worried About Pope Francis

Good heavens, we can't have empowered women--God forbid!  Keep 'em barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen!
(re. conservative horror at Pope Francis supporting birth control for women around the world)

EXCERPT from article:
environmental issues are particularly vexing for the Catholic Church, especially in the United States. They carry implications for Big Business and their Catholic supporters, as well as for the world's growing population, which brings up questions of birth control. For the religious right, the Vatican's endorsement of the U.N. agenda on global warming amounts to an endorsement of the U.N. agenda to give women access to contraception and abortion.

How Francis deals with population growth as it affects the environment is one of the key questions that will be answered when the encyclical, entitled "Laudato si (Be Praised), On the Care of our Common Home," is released June 18.

Comment from Reader of the article:

I am neither Catholic nor am I anti-Catholic- to me, a person's religion is like their sex life or their bank account- none of my business.

But I have become a huge admirer of Pope Francis because the Catholic Church has finally elected a Pope instead of a politician. And the sky didn't fall. This man has moved the Catholic dogma forward about 500 years in his short time in office.

He has absolutely forced the cardinals to step forward and take responsibility of their words by backing them up with action, compassion and understanding. He has managed a tremendous amount of change with grace and skill.

Francis is a breath of fresh air for the world. He shakes up Christians who are mired in legalism and points them to a fuller, more embracing experience. Fantastic! He will help move some of the far right closer to the center on environmental needs and that will be a good thing. We need to do better at taking care of this world.



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