Thursday, June 18, 2015

Pope's encyclical announced today was mostly ignored in press

Shamefully, the major media has mostly ignored the encyclical of Pope Francis on climate change, made public today and asking for all countries to take action in cleaning/healing the planet.  There was a small article in the Washington Post

but I saw nothing on TV news, which was devoted almost entirely to the tragic church shooting in South Carolina.  For anyone who cares about the fate of the planet (and of US who inhabit it), you can read the encyclical at:

It is beautifully worded, sounding as if it could have been written by St. Francis of Assisi, praising the earth and all she has given to us -- and saying the planet is like a "sister who shares our life and a mother who opens her arms to embrace us."

It is heart touching to read, and I hope those who are denying the reality of human activity's impact on our Mother Earth will be moved to fall in line with the Pope's plea to change priorities and make the health of the planet number one (if they even read it).  Conservatives are predisposed to dismiss it and are being urged by the GOP presidential candidates to continue in that folly, to the detriment of the planet and all of us.


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