I heard today on NPR that angry conservatives in the Vatican, in disagreement with the Pope on many issues, were the ones who leaked his Climate Change Encyclical to the press, hoping to temper any excitement that might ensue from its announcement slated for tomorrow.
I read the following recent article on the Pope in Spiegel online -- it gives detailed information about him and tells of the upset and confusion in the Vatican among the conservatives that the changes he has set in motion have caused. Read about it at:
EXCERPT from article:
Whenever Francis goes off-script, the Vatican's press department prepares for the worst. This pope keeps everyone on their toes, says one high-ranking member of the Curia: "With him, you can even imagine him selling Michelangelo's Pietà and giving the money to the poor." (~.~) Ya' gotta' love this Pope!
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
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» Pope Francis and his enemies in the Vatican
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