Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Watch Jon Stewart's appraisal of Donald Trump -- BEST YET!

 I love Jon Stewart's assessment that Trump actually makes some of the other crazy GOP candidates look reasonable. (~.~) 

Frankly, if I were a Republican looking at the slate of candidates on their side, I would be bolting from that tent as fast as humanly possible.  But I'm sure many of the right wingers like Trump--and Cruz--and Walker--and Fiorina--and Carson....on and on and on, throughout all the 20 candidates who will be duking it out with each other for the nomination. I'm sure Tea Party types love some of the Donald's ideas and think they are workable--even if their other hero Bill O'Reilly doesn't believe the proposal of making the Mexican government pay for a giant wall all the way across the entire border is particularly viable.  The Donald trump-ets his ideas -- and his admirers listen in awe at his genius. 

However, for the rest of us:  Just when you think it couldn't get worse than Sarah Palin, someone in the right wing steps up to prove you wrong.  Trump is one of those someones, and is a fascinating sight to behold (~.~) with that strange furry animal sitting on top of his head.  Pass the popcorn, folks; we are in for a rousing full-blown circus show this time around--and the clown car is already chugging in, delivering the clowns to the center ring.

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