Soon we will be seeing the same thing here in the U.S. The government's refusal to exact responsibility/repayment from the bailed out corporatists, plus Obama's wimpy behavior in dealing with the thug Repugs has brought us to this. It has become impossible to have true representatives of the people in Congress and the White House (i.e., deregulation of Wall St., bailout of the giant corporations, right wing lobbyists paying off their--not our--representatives). The middle class is dying and the will of the people is being ignored. The only recourse the people have is to revolt.
EXCERPT: when you rob people of what little they have, in order to protect the interests of those who have more than anyone deserves, you should expect resistance – whether organised protests or spontaneous looting. And that's not politics. It's physics.
Monday, August 22, 2011
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We will see a revolt in our country if our government continues on their present track, Congress forgets that they represent the people and not the big corporations. What we should do is vote most of them out of office and elect people who will represent the people.
What I don't understand is why the lower and most of the middle class vote for a republican. Don't they realize that they are voting against what is best for them and not the corporations. Corporations will lie to the public , wanting the public to believe that the corporations are interested in the welfare of the public rather than their greed for greater profits.
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