Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bill Maher's Liberal answer to the Tea Party: we'll call ours The Donner Party

Bill Maher has made a suggestion for this nutso, crazy upside down world of political insanity.  The Democrats need to form a mad-as-a-hatter left wing bookend to the Tea Party.  He suggests it be called The Donner Party.  See the video:

Maher's reasoning goes like this:  With all the idiots out of the way, battling against each other, maybe intelligent people can actually slide toward the middle and begin to make reasonable, practical decisions that will actually save the country. 

Sorry, Bill -- I'm afraid it's too late for that.  The crazies have multiplied, they are the tools of the rich who really own the government, and intelligent, reasonable middle class people are having to face the terrible truth.  All the candidates who are allowed to rise to the top are owned and will do the will of their elite masters in the oligarchy that has replaced our democratic republic.  No man of the people is going to step up and take the helm of the ship of state. If there even were such a man, the powers-that-be will not allow him to get that far. There is no savior for our country.  We are going to have to watch it sink like a stone beneath the waves of history, done in by greed, power lust, and stupidity.  The rest of the corrupt western world will go down with it, done in by their own greed and materialistic pursuits--and another global empire will arise, most likely in Asia.  I imagine the reasonable people in the days of the Roman Empire must have felt the same sick feeling we are experiencing, as they had to watch the decay from within crumble their empire into ruins. 

It's a sad familiar story. On this infinitesimal planet spinning around a tiny star in the outskirts of a small galaxy in the unbounded, limitless universe, history continues to repeat itself, over and over and over.  We Earth humans never seem to learn.  Other members of the galactic universe must be shaking their heads in wonderment at a species that remains stubbornly retarded, century after century, refusing to learn from past mistakes. Imagine how we must appear to any truly intelligent species that has long ago outgrown selfish me-first interests--as we squabble over imaginary territorial lines with constant wars and ever more dangerous weapons against each other. Ignoring the oneness of all life, and refusing to share or care, the few at the top amass billions in gold, jewels and material possessions while millions of people at the bottom starve to death.  Sporadically throughout history, more advanced members among us speak warnings about the dangers of greed and power (i.e., Eisenhower warning about the military/industrial complex) and poets and songwriters plead for sanity, but few heed them. 

So, here we are.  Again.  Leonard Cohen's "Anthem" is the song of our age that tells it best.  See/hear video at:


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