It's been proven over and over that electromagnetic fields are dangerous to health -- and here is still another study confirming it. Yet we are being asked to accept "Smart Meters" by PG&E -- which further add to the damaging electromagnetic radiation we are being exposed to in so many ways on a daily basis (high-voltage power lines, wi-fi, airport screening, plane travel, microwaves, cell phones, dental x-rays, mammograms, etc.). People are getting smarter about these things and are protesting the new meters, which is why PG&E is mounting an expensive television, radio and mail campaign to try to fool us into accepting Smart Meters as a "wonderful" thing for us all. PG&E is bamboozling the public, raising our rates to pay for dangerous new meters and then also using the money we are charged in higher rates to pay for the campaign to convince us we are lucky to get these new meters....What an upside-down backwards world we live in! Sadly, we know most people will fall for this latest corporate ploy against our health and our pocketbooks. If you call PG&E to request to stay with your old meter, they tell you you don't have a choice -- Smart Meters are going in, whether you want them or not. But they will put your name on a "Delay" list if you demand it. A Pyrrhic victory at best....sigh.
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