Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Perceptive analysis of Tea Party Republicans and their mindset

Whatever It Is, I'm Against It
By Robert Becker



Groucho Marx, the great philosopher of "Horse Feathers," [could have been talking about today's Republican Party when he sang:]

Whatever it is, I'm against it. No matter what it is or who commenced it, I'm against it.
Your proposition may be good, But let's have one thing understood, Whatever it is, I'm against it.
And even when you've changed it or condensed it, I'm against it.

Here's the deck-clearing negation the right wing nutcases are selling, a heaven on earth for the braying Bachmann-Perry Tea Party clan:

No tax increases, no regulations, no income tax, no Federal Reserve,
No abortions, nor labor, gay, minority, women's nor civil rights.
No separation of church-state, no immigration,
No Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid,
No unemployment insurance or retraining funds,
No federal aid to education, research, or health care.

In short, the government roughly in effect the way it was soon after God -- or was it Columbus?, No, Vikings -- discovered America, when nothing but native arrows could impede unregulated, predatory expansions. Beyond Bachmann, Perry makes clear exactly what his pious flock favors -- America as exceptional Christian Nation, God's imperial fortress armed to the teeth to battle incalculable enemies until the Rapture blasts secular liberalism, Muslims, Jews, evolution and climate change.

As David Frum, GOP strategist opines, with beguiling comic understatement:  Republicans do not take intelligence or expertise very seriously as qualifications for the presidency. Mitt Romney's smarts do him surprisingly little good; Rick Perry's non-smarts do him disturbingly little harm; and Michele Bachmann's out-beyond-the-Orion-belt substitutions for familiarity with life here on Earth only intensify the admiration of her fan base.

To read more, go to: http://www.smirkingchimp.com/thread/robert-becker/38049/whatever-it-is-im-against-it    As one reader points out in his comments at the end of the article: 

Basically, there is a hard core group of Americans who are so extremely Christian and so extremely anti-acceptance of anything and everything that doesn't jive with their narrow- minded beliefs, that they would vote for a candidate who came out and openly declared that blacks shouldn't be allowed to hold jobs or get an education.

They'd jump with joy if a candidate came out and declared that women who get abortions, should themselves be given the death penalty.

They'd fully accept it if a candidate declared that evolution was a hoax, that the Earth was the center of the universe, that all scientific research was evil, that public school teachers were all Communists and should be jailed, and most importantly that the South actually won the Civil War and should be allowed to secede.

In short, there are more nutty wackos in America than most people realize. Tens of millions of Americans are extremely mean-spirited, and most of them think of themselves as Christians, being led by people like Palin, Perry and Bachmann who are "Christian pretenders".


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