Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Questions for Cheney that will never be answered--or even asked

Even if some brave soul amongst the mealy-mouthed press corps should ask him the following questions (risking their career because their corporate bosses don't like pointed questions to be asked), Cheney is known for never answering a question directly--and sometimes not even indirectly.  If he doesn't like a question, he just will ignore it and say whatever he wants to about anything else.  He is an evil man, dedicated to himself, without a scintilla of compassion or empathy in his entire being: a true sociopath who, unfortunately for all of us, reached the highest office in the land and took it over for Eight Long Years, causing untold suffering and misery to millions in the world.  I believe his karma will be in the same category as that of Hitler, Stalin, Herod, Genghis Khan, Ivan the Terrible, Vlad the Impaler, and other cruel and corrupt despots who have appeared through the ages in the human race.  Who knows? He may even be the reincarnation of one of those ancient brutes.  Here are a few of the questions proposed by Internet readers of Huffington Post: 

"I would ask him to release the minutes from the closed-door meetings he had with the energy companies." "Where are the Enron Energy meeting minutes?"

"Can you reconcile your [socially conservative] reputation with your embrace of your daughter's sexual orientation? How you are able to compartmentalize what appears to be that type of ...paternal compassion with the crafted image of toughness?"

"What makes you think that waterboarding is okay when this type of torture goes against international law?"

Will someone be held to account for the treasonous act of revealing the ID of an undercover CIA operative during time of war?

"You are a strong proponent of the unitary executive theory. If President Obama had asserted the right, under the 14th Amendment, to raise the debt ceiling without congressional approval, would you have supported him (or does the unitary executive theory not apply to Democrats)?"

How can you seriously justify torture despite all the evidence that it does not work?

Why did you support the Iraq invasion under false WMD info, and when you realized that was false why didn't you speak out?

"At the Tokyo Trials, (The Internatio­nal Military Tribunal for the Far East) after World War II, an internatio­nal coalition convened to prosecute Japanese soldiers charged with torture. At the top of the list of techniques was water-base­d interrogation, known variously then as 'water cure,' 'water torture' and 'waterboar­ding,' ... A number of the Japanese soldiers convicted - by American judges - were hanged. Should the United States apologize or pay reparation­s to those soldiers' families?"

"What is it that you wish you could have accomplish­ed but never got around to getting it done?"

"I would ask him what happened to the [billions] in cash that disappeared in Iraq? And who sends money stacked in skids anyway?"

"If he says that [capturing] Bin Laden is the result of their administration's work for 10 years, and basically claiming credit, then will he take credit for the fact that his administration's policy is the reason why our economy is in the situation that it is. [Why] take credit for one but not the other?"

Did you personally profit from the war in Iraq due to your relationship with Halliburton?


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