Tuesday, August 09, 2011

More about Fukushima radiation and how to protect yourself

I just received the following reader's comment re. the Oklahoma City rainwater registering as radioactive:  Thank you for enlightening us on the seriousness of this radiation. The Obama administration is mum on this which tells us they don't know what to do about it or they just plan to watch us die. They should be removed from office and put someone in there that will tell us the truth.

My answer:  Let's not be naive and use this as a political jab against Obama.  The truth is, NO politician is going to tell you about dangers threatening you/us/everyone if he/she can't do anything about it.  In addition to being exposed to radiation in many ways, we are being sprayed almost daily by chemtrails, which some suspect are a combative attempt to ameliorate global warming.  Many things of this nature are planned and put into operation at higher global levels than even that of President (I'm assuming you've heard of the "shadow government."). Do you ever hear any politician mention chemtrails or admit they see them, too?  Of course not.  If any politician should be so bold (as was Dennis Kucinich when he proposed a bill that included the mention of chemtrails), he will be ridiculed by the rest of the politicians -- and by the media.  The same thing is true of UFOs.  Even though many credible, credentialed high members of the military and government have gone public telling the truth of their own encounters and experiences with UFOs and aliens on our planet -- still there has been no confirmation from our government/Congress/the President.  They have major concerns about how the fundamentalist/Tea Party types would react should they be told we are not alone in the universe. After witnessing some of these rightwing crazies and their radical beliefs, I'd say the government's concerns on that score are probably justified.

But to get back to the subject of radiation.  Yes, we are all being radiated by fallout from Fukushima -- we are eating food and drinking milk that has been contaminated by that radiation.  We are breathing air that is polluted with radiation. But very soon after the Japan disaster, our government stopped measuring the radiation, telling us it wasn't necessary anymore.  The reason was to prevent panic in the population, with the hope people will forget about it.  And it worked--except for those who like to do a little more research.  Shortly after the Fukushima event, I posted on this blog that French green clay acts as a chelating agent in ridding the body of radioactive materials. Other aids are seaweed, miso, and activated charcoal.  You can read more about this at: http://www.clayremedies.com/uploads/Bentonite_Clay_a_Natural_and_Effective_Radiation_Detox.pdf  and at many other sites online.


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