Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Just what the Tea Party needs -- another "birther" GOP candidate for President

The perfect candidates for the Republicans: Donald Trump and Charlie Sheen.  Of that choice, which would you prefer? Or maybe together they could be the full ticket, with those two gigantic egos fighting for top place.  What a world! Our forefathers are spinning in their graves.

Daily Kos:

Just moments after not being able to win back custody of his kids from a wife in rehab, Charlie Sheen shocked the world by coyly mentioning he may consider a run at the White House.  “I know I promised this wouldn’t be political, but look where we f—  are, man!” said Sheen. “For one thing, I was born here!”

Sheen – who said he’d pick Nicolas Cage as his running mate, making  it the first-ever ticket based around abusing women – also announced the  fiscal policies he’d support when he became President.

“I would disband the Fed, like, now. … And send the I.R.S. to prison,” said Sheen.

Sheen’s announcement couldn’t come at a better time for the nation’s  media, as now every single network – including obscure cable outlets and  public-access shows – have now interviewed Donald Trump, and written  stories about how amazing it’s been that he has climbed in the polls.   Sheen  has that one special factor that only people like Trump have – he’ll  talk to anyone.

It is time to get Charlie Sheen on all political shows. That way,  next week, the media can be puzzled about why he’s climbing the polls in  the 2012 race for the U.S. Presidency, while others can ponder why political discourse in the U.S. has gone to hell.


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