Monday, April 04, 2011

The Truth, Still Inconvenient

We're on a collision course with disaster, no matter which way we turn. Read the following column by Paul Krugman to hear more about climate change.

Those who support all the craziness of the Republican agenda are on the wrong side of the climate change crisis, too.  No surprise there.
The "birthers" are climate-change "deniers," too. They are consistent in their ignorance/insanity. They don't even mind if nuclear power plants are built on known earthquake faults. (And we see where that has led.)  But they did expect one of their own bought-and-paid-for climate scientists to verify the denier-side he had been supporting, when he went before Congress to give a report on his own climate research project. After all, as Krugman writes, this scientist had "denounced both Al Gore and Tom Friedman as “exaggerators,” and he has participated in a number of attacks on climate research, including the witch hunt over innocuous e-mails from British climate researchers. Not surprisingly, then, climate deniers had high hopes that his new project would support their case."  Well...actually, as it turns out, his project shows the same thing that the wise climate change scientists have been saying for years.  Oops.  So now, of course, instead of pointing to him as an expert on climate change as they have in the past, the deniers have immediately begun denouncing him and his research, too. 

Please don't bother them with the facts -- on anything -- Ever.


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