Sunday, April 24, 2011

The raving fanatical right wingers will never agree with this...

The Tea Party types are over the top in their hatred and ignorance/stupidity.  They should be ignored, but they are courted by the media and the corporate lobbyists who see they are nuts, but use them to their own advantage.  See the Reader's Comment at the end of the article, which tells the real truth of the matter:

Obama Is American as Apple Pie
By Brent Budowsky

Karl Rove is right. The fanaticism of the birther faction of the Republican Party is a curse that could sink the GOP. When polls show that barely 30 percent of all Republicans are convinced that President Obama is a natural born American, this is a level of sickness and weirdness in a major political party that could bring them electoral disaster.

I have not been shy about occasionally criticizing President Obama when I believe it is called for, but:

President Obama is as American as apple pie. He is as American as the nearest red, white and blue flag. He is as Christian as the nearest Protestant church.

Obama succeeded the American way. He studied hard and excelled at school. He rose by winning the respect of his peers. He succeeded the way Americans are supposed to succeed and achieved what he has through intelligence, diligence, ambition and hard work, which is the American way. He is devoted to a loving wife with whom he is raising a loving family.

There is something very wrong and in my view very sick when a large element of a major political party cannot accept the obvious Americanism of an American president, and when certain partisans in that party view nuts like the birthers as a constituency worth courting.

Criticize his policies for sure. But Barack Obama is as American as apple pie, and those who do not accept this are far outside the mainstream of our nation and our tradition as Americans. It is the birthers who need to learn the lesson about what it means to be an American.

Reader's Comment

He's Black - Haven't You Noticed?
Haven't u noticed he's an AFRICAN, Brent? All my GOP pals have and they don't like it! They want a WHITE guy like GW BU$H back in the WHITE HOUSE. It's called that, they tell me, because it was built to house OLD WHITE guys--not young NEGROES from Kenya or some other non-American place. Plus, haven't u read the Constitution yet--he's only 2/3rds of a person anyway.  Ignore the amendments, they were all written later on when lib'ruls like Abe Lincoln got in power.


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Anonymous said...

If that racist comment was actually posted by a reader it was a bitter Obama defender who can't face the fact that Obama has spent millions to prevent his birth certificate from being published and has forbidden his college transcripts from being released. The question is why?