Tuesday, April 05, 2011

How to get rid of the elderly -- new Republican medical "plan" for us


Cut out Medicare -- and give us "vouchers" with which we can pay for health insurance with a private insurer.  Hmmm....picture this: age 65 and over folks go to a private insurer and apply for health insurance -- what do you think the insurance companies are going to say to us?  Do you think we will be their most cherished, come-right-in, red-carpet-treated applicants? Especially those with "pre-conditions" (and who doesn't have pre-conditions at that age?)  Even if by some miracle, a few of us did manage to get private insurance, when we had a claim, how do you think we would be treated then?  Do you think the private insurers will be happy and smiling, cutting us checks to pay our bills and telling us to "come again soon"?  Hmmmm?????

No, this sounds like the Republicans' Orwellian plan to rid themselves and the world of the seniors who are glutting the system now.  Culling the human herd will begin with the weakest members -- who do you think those weakest members might be?  Hmmmm???  Here's the answer: The elderly and the young.  The plan has already begun with their proposal to cut education funds and health care, food, and Head Start programs for the kids -- and Medicare and Social Security for us "oldie-goldies."  Those Republicans sure are smart, aren't they?  The politicians will still have their own government insurance plans for themselves and their families -- but ours will be gone.
In the meantime, the trillions of dollars saved by throwing us under the bus will be added to the funds for the Pentagon, so they can develop more defective F-22 Raptor planes  (at $350 million a pop!) to never use and keep stored in hangars.  Here's some advice for those who agree with this plan: Keep voting for those Republicans, keep listening to Limbaugh and Beck, and keep believing all they tell you while they whittle away at your foundation until you crumble into dust at their feet. 

And, while you're busy crumbling, keep singing that great ol' song:  So long --- it's been good to know ya'....


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