Tuesday, February 26, 2008


In your Dreams, Buddy Boy! ONLY in your Dreams! How can this idiot be so removed from reality? Is anyone in his party actually buying this crap? Do they NOT EVER take a look at what is happening outside of their little bubble of stupidity? It is a wonder to me that his own party has not thrown this brainless reject out the door! He has ruined their party--turned it into a shambles--and he now steps up to claim glory--and victory. God help anyone who still supports him and Cheney, because that person could be sold ANYthing!


Don't you just love his sentence: "
When I say I'm confident, I am so because I understand the mentality of the American people," Bush said. "And I understand the mentality of our candidates. And there's no question in my mind, with your help, 2008 is going to be a great year." Oh Yes. He "understands" the mentality of the American people and the mentality of Repub. candidates! Remember how he understood "Pootie-Poot" Putin because he looked into his eyes/soul and saw a good man? Not to mention how much he loves and understands Alberto Gonzales, Harriet Miers, Donald Rumsfeld, and on and on and on? I think this relegates to the trash can any further "understanding" and predictions by El Jerko!

How can anyone reading his comments keep from laughing hysterically at the ridiculous obtuseness of this clueless pretense of a human being? It is like a cartoon! You can't believe he is real! Truth really is stranger than fiction. Who would ever have predicted this brainless wreck is what we would see as the chosen (selected) "leader" of our land? Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln must be screaming in their graves!

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