Friday, February 29, 2008

1943 Guide to Hiring Women

Here's a sample of what women have had to put up with over the years from patronizing men--they talk about the women as if they were pets and certainly not the equals of men -- and had to be given careful instructions and be watched over constantly--AARGHHH!....Wouldn't you love to haul off and punch the guy who wrote this crap???? This actually makes me want to vote for Hillary! (As an "older woman" now, I would have a hard time "adapting myself" and of course I "tend to be cantankerous and fussy"--so please ignore everything I've just said.) ;-) I have to admit: we've come a long way, baby!

Comments from the friend who sent this: This is hilarious!!! I've got the "husky" girl thing all taken care of!! (~.~)
Ahhh... I need to go get one of my rest periods in now.

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