Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Don't stop taking anti-depressants, doctors urge

The following article tells it all. Big Pharma is probably inundating doctors everywhere with telegrammed warnings and stepped-up visits from their detail men, etc. begging the docs not to discontinue prescribing Prozac and other similar drugs! My god, imagine how much money they would lose if people stopped taking Prozac! Horrors! We can't have THAT! Nope, keep those millions of folks on drugs--even the ones proven not to work--and WORSE, the ones that actually harm them! Don't let them begin to take responsibility for their own health--mental and physical. Don't let them find out that simple homeopathic remedies (costing $5 or $6 each) often do a far better job--with no side effects! The AMA and big pharma companies banded together in the early part of the 20th century to rid the U.S. of homeopathy in favor of drugs which were far more dangerous and cost a lot more--and were far more profitable. And so it goes....the people were, once again, the foils and victims of big money and big corporations. We've all seen how the insurance companies got in on the action, too. We'll insure you and take your money, but please don't ask us to pay out!

The good news: Because more physicians are discovering homeopathy works so well, it is making inroads back into our health system--but at the cost of trillions of dollars and millions of patients lost for so many years in the allopathic realm that took over medical "health" care in our country. Homeopathy is based on like cures like -- and less is more. Open-minded doctors have discovered the almost miraculous types of cures that can be rendered through homeopathy. Unfortunately, there are very few open minds in AMA-trained physicians. It is the rare doctor who, having been trained in one way, will look for other methods--especially ones that will require further training. They fall into the AMA/pharmaceutical trap--and stay there, nurtured and cajoled by the pharmaceutical companies who wine and dine them royally. They don't stop to wonder why they are treating a symptom instead of looking for the cause of the symptom. Homeopathy goes to the root, which is why the results seem so "miraculous." It's actually very simple. If you treat the root cause with the right remedy, the symptoms will disappear. Hmmm....a little different from the western approach: you have a headache? Here, take this pain killer--one of the side effects of which is "headache." :-( You have stress and emotional problems? Here, take Prozac--(which has now been found to not even be effective)! And on and on...

I just finished reading Donna Nakazawa's new book, The Autoimmune Epidemic: Bodies Gone Haywire in a World out of Balance. In it there is quite an interesting story of a doctor who found out first-hand as a patient how the western medical system works--or didn't work for him. After having been almost killed by medical "mistakes," one of which initially incurred during an unnecessary medical test, he was forced to find a cure for himself from an auto-immune disease caused by one of the "mistakes." After having completely debilitated him, the doctors told him, "Sorry--there is nothing more we can do for you." So he turned to something his mother had told him years ago about nutrition and diet and how important a part that plays in the healing (and preventive) process. Along the way toward his cure, he discovered some essential truths. His name is Dr. Gerard Mullin, one-time head of gastroenterology in a big hospital, who is now director of Integrative GI Nutrition at Johns Hopkins Hospital, and who shares with his patients what he learned as a patient himself.

Although I know some of western medicine works well--and I certainly don't advocate leaving it completely, I think we need to expand our vision and get things more in balance. It took me too many years of thinking allopathic medicine was all we had to rely on, before I learned there were other ways. As that old Pennsylvania Dutch saying goes--and is getting more truthful all the time for me: Too soon old, Too late schmart. (~.~) :-( It pays to have discrimination and knowledge--in all things, including medical treatment choices.

Just my own opinion, of course.

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